Carlotta Borcherding, born 1999 in Hamburg, Germany, is a media artist who lives and works in Linz, Austria. They study at the department of Timebased and Interactive Media Art at the University of Art in Linz. 

Their projects have established a focus within the performative art developing choreographic elements, designing and composing sound and creating acoustic and visual landscapes. Thus placing the body itself as a medium within a digital and interactive context.  Read more



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Rosenheimer Kunstfilmtage, Kunstverein Rosenheim e.V.

         “Environment” (Video, 10 min)

Gwangju Media Art Festival GMAF (Korea)
Exhibition of Eye of Next Media Art

         “Environment” (Video, 10 min)

BestOFF Exhibition (Linz)

       “Environment” (Performance / 15min, interactive),
          Ars Electronica Center / Deep Space

       “Environment” (Video, 10 min), ARS Electronica Center

       “LanguageRyhthmNoise” (Sound Performance, 20 min),
          Tresor Linz

“Sofa Zimmer Wohnung” (Kiew)
Exhibition by the testimonies of Ukrainian female refugees

       Photo installation / Projection

ARS Electronica Campus Exhibition (Linz)

       „Posthuman“ (Photo series / 10 x 29,7 × 42 cm)

       “LanguageRhythmNoise” (Sound Performance, 20 min)

ARS Electronica Festival (Linz)

       „Environment“ Deep Stage – Part I Performance (15 min, interactive) Sound und Visual Artist

Schäxpir Theater Festival (Linz)
Die Irrfahrt der Mrs. Florentine“ , Maskenbildnerin

„Flausen #3”/ Galerie MAERZ (Linz)
       Lesung, 45 min

„Temporär Für Immer“, Kulturverein KAPU (Linz)

       „Drauf Scheißen (Von Oben)“ / Text und Installation

       „Über Setzen“ / Lesung und Performance (10 min)

       „Temporär für Immer“ / Performance (9 min)