Carlotta Borcherding, born 1999 in Hamburg, Germany, is a media artist who lives and works in Linz, Austria. They study at the department of Timebased and Interactive Media Art at the University of Art in Linz. 

Their projects have established a focus within the performative art developing choreographic elements, designing and composing sound and creating acoustic and visual landscapes. Thus placing the body itself as a medium within a digital and interactive context.  Read more




無何有- Mukayu. Mukayu. (2024)

Performance/ Deep Space, 20 min

Mukayu 無何有 from the Zen philosophy deals with the “Richness in emptiness”. It means more or less "everything and nothing".

The choreographer Hinako Taira and the two media artists Carlotta Borcherding and Holunder Heiß create an interactive audiovisual dance performance. The audiovisual landscape is designed with empty and rich sound as well as minimalist light and shadow elements. Over time its minimalistic concept becomes a harmonious overall picture.

The Performance 無何有- Mukayu. Mukayu. developed within the unique cooperation 
What is remaining between TANZ LINZ and the Department of Time-Based and 
Interactive Media Art at the Art University Linz. What is remaining is a project 
where contemporary dance condenses in the AEC's Deep Space 8K and interactive, 
digital art, on a visual and auditory level into one collective work. The dancers' 
bodies are intertwinded within the Media artists’ forms of expression continue – 
and vice versa. 
What is remaining designs a panorama of choreographic languages ​​within the company
expanding the expressiveness of media art. In the breathtaking Deep Space 8K of the
AEC thus condenses contemporary dance and interactive, digital
Art, on a visual and auditory level. The performance celebrated its premierein June 
2024 at Ars Electronica Center Deep Space 8K.

Hinako Taira - Choreografie
Carlotta Borcherding - Sound / Komposition und Visualisierung
Holunder Heiß - Visualisierung und technische Umsetzung

Performing Artist: Mischa Hall, Fleur Wijsman, Lorenzo Ruta